Saturday, July 21, 2007

This is what we have been up to lately! The photos of Ash are of her first "haircut" at the Beauty Shop. Kate will wait until she's home in Michigan if she can to get her hair done by "Deann" at "A Cut Above" in Farwell. She's been our hairdresser for about 20 years! She must have been a baby when she started because she looks too young to have been at it for that long! Thanks Deann. The knitting is "Tulips" Dream in color baby sweater and socks for Kate made with Zitron, Life Style sock yarn. Cannon will have a pair too! Check out the bubble king! The kids had a riot making giant bubbles on their last visit home.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Here's what's going on right now

Gonna just say, keeping busy! The kids suprised us by coming up about 5 days early! The cooler weather has been nice, but just a little breeze was actually helpful for the bubbles. Kirstin's socks are done, will post pix later! Puppy getting bigger but still has lots to learn! I've worked a ton the past few weeks, but will take it easy this week and enjoy the little ones and family!