Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday as usual

Well here it is Sunday again! I am on call, but nothing exciting since Friday. The weather is dreary, but I got some homework done, including sealing the grout on my newly remodeled 1/2 bath (guest bathroom) formerly known as the "Recording Studio". I had it totally renovated, new sink, floor, paint, mirror and lighting. It's rockin now! OH I also scraped paint off the garage door trim, FUN! Too bad it's a rainy cold day, can't paint it.
I did get knitting done! The Dream in Color Classy, Tulips baby sweater is done. It is beautiful (I think). Hope Steph likes it. What do you think of my new hair color? DARK. Like my soul. Just kidding. But it sure is dark.
Oh and what is with the dog being dressed most of the time? When I see her shirtless, she looks naked. Of course Kirstin has some sweater patterns/yarn picked out for her.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tulip Baby Sweater in progress 8-11-07

Tulip Baby Sweater in progress 8-11-07
Originally uploaded by Patticake's.

Here is an update of the Tulips baby sweater! I had a little bit of a hard time figuring out the attached I cord binding, but once I got it, I got it! Sleeves will be done as soon as I feel like knitting again. I have worked 6 out of the last 7 days! Wow. Need a break! We may go to Birch Run and start school shopping today, but Kirstin declared an eyebrow emergency and needs to get a wax job before she is seen in public!

The Sisters, sweater August 2007 015

The Sisters, sweater August 2007 015
Originally uploaded by Patticake's.

Hi! This is those cutie little yorkie sisters, Eloise and Lydia!
Kirstin babysat 2 days for Lydia and loved every minute of it!
We have spent time lately watching dog shows on tv, like Cesar and that british lady, like the Nanny

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Check out the little gladware bowls for my twin cakes of sock yarn. It holds enough to knit a pair of socks and saves on tangles. I drilled a hole in the top and fed the yarn through! It can't get away from me now.
The pink slide is from the Science Museum in Nashville. It is the "colorectal slide" and it made farting noises as the kids slid out. They loved it. It's part of an exhibit on how the body works, really cute idea.
The pix if me and the kids with Kate is at Beachhaven Winery in Clarksville KY, where we attended Jazz on the lawn. And of course tasted a little wine. Kate loved the raspberry one, so we got that one. To me it tasted like raspberry vinagrette salad dressing, hmmmm. It was crowded, but so fun. Of course there was live jazz band and musicians playing.
I've been working on the Tulips baby sweater and it's almost done, the body is done, just now starting on the border and the sleeves. It's gorgeous and it's going really fast.