Here are a couple of shots from the mini vacation last weekend. My brother Ron, a great guy, drove a few hundred miles to spend some time with his sisters and nieces, nephew and grandniece and nephew. We all went bowling and just basically chilled out and visited and laughed a lot! Nothing is better than Family, I always say!
Close up of Cannon's socks. Unfortunately, after just getting my Canon Digital Rebel repaired, I didn't check the new lens for AF/MF. It was sadly on MF. The picture quality is disappointing, but I attributed that to my" presbyopia"due to my advanced age. Sucks to constantly take off your glasses and put them on. Sound familiar to anybody out there?
I guess blurry photos are better than none. The group shot is Cannon, Katie, Justin (son-in-law), me, Ron (brother) and Ashlynn. Missing from the photo is Judy and Kirstin. I think people get tired of me trying to pose them for photos but they all seem to be glad I took them later.
Oh, I know Fort Cambell very well. I was born in Nashville, TN and lived in Ashland City during my teenage years.
The socks are gourgeous, I love that colorway and it went on my shopping list.
As far, as the glasses. I totally agree - I tell people, I need glasses with my glasses!
I am laughing over the grand's reactions to the socks - the same happened to me! My boy grands LOVED theirs and won't take them off. The girl grand was gracious, but keeps them in the drawer! And she's only six! But no matter, they know their Nonna loves them and will knit them socks! Just like yours!
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