Thursday, March 1, 2007

Big Winter Storm and Warm Fuzzies

Don't these little booties look cozy to knit on a day like today! This is Mid-Michigan today in the middle of a snow storm that is now turning into an ice storm! Schools let out at 10:30 am and probably will be closed tomorrow. Breaks my 16 year old's heart!
Just bought this yarn and pattern from Apple Tree Lane in Clare yesterday. Good timing, I think. I'm hooked on socks right now, but these are close enough and will knit up fast on size 10 needles and I GET TO TRY FELTING. I am uploading and saving my knitting patterns to my ipod, thanks to the instructions on Pixie Purls blog. Fun!


Betriska said...

Hi I'm Betriska a.k.a. Betty from the SockaManiacs email list!

Don't you just LOVE your iPod! I think it the PERFECT sock knitting companion! :o)

Oh my goodness! Brrrr! We're expecting STRONG storms tonight - but, of the tornado variety. Stay warm!


twellve said...

yeah, big blizzard over here in WI, too!

i really like that Plymouth bootie pattern and the yarn. very cute. i've been doing loads of baby things, but nothing felted yet (ever). might have to hunt down a copy of that for myself. :)

Helen said...

The booties are adorable. I love the whole felting process.
Could you tell me what the name of the book that the pattern is in ? I am very interested in getting myself a copy.
Thanks in advance.
Helen from New England.